The first full week of January has past so most people are well into practicing their New Year's resolutions. Typically New Year's resolutions include dieting, exercising, and many other lifestyle changes. I rarely hear anyone mention changes that could be beneficial to their mental health-mental health is a part of your overall health after all. Here are 5 suggested resolutions to keep your mental health in check this year.
1. Have a designated "self care day". We are all busy, but don't be too busy to take care of YOU. It could be something as simple as a bubble bath on Sundays, or go to a movie on Monday nights. Anything that relaxes you and makes you feel good about yourself will suffice.
2. Practice reciting affirmations while you are getting ready for day. "I WILL have a good day", "I WILL be productive", "I AM beautiful" can go a long way. Remember power is in the tongue.
3. Live in the moment. Don't let the past or impending future tie up your thoughts to the point of anxiety. Focus on the here and now.
4. Journal. It doesn't have to be everyday but try writing down your thoughts and emotions (good and bad). This allows us to easily go back to reflect and analyze later.
5. Be ok with NOT being ok sometimes. No one is perfect and not every day will go smoothly. Feelings of anxiety and sadness are normal and natural emotions but if they begin to intensify, please consider talking with a trusted mental health provider.
- Please share these powerful but simple tips with others
- Strive to maintain balance in your everyday life
Contributor: Nicole Bolden, MHP