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A Foundation of Fellowship

January 19, 2022

 January 2022: Keeping it Real, for REAL—A New Year Self-Exam 

Over the years my family and I have been members of a congregations that stressed the importance of church fellowship. We regularly scheduled gatherings (outside of church) that allowed us to get to know other families with common intrests. 

The more we fellowshipped, the closer we became—the close we became, the more we were able to support and pray for each other. Church fellowship turned into friendship and life-long relationships.  

Truth is, it works the same way with God. When we take time to read the Bible, meditate on scripture, and pray we fellowship with God.  The more we read, meditate, and pray the closer to God we become. 

Soon, we begin to grasp what's important to God and be challenged to consider changes that align our decisions to what He expects.  

Hebrews 11:6 reminds us of this, “But without faith it is impossible to please Him (God), for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” 

In and of ourselves, people are minded to do our own thing and to go our own way. In most cases, that way is opposite of what God intends. 

Spending time with God—fellowship—has the tendency to change our mind about what and how we do things. 

When we make decisions to do things God’s way (even when it is opposite of what we want to do), we demonstrate faith.  That...pleases God and releases His rewards upon, over, and around us.

SIS Challenge: Create a Foundation of Fellowship. Make time to get to know God better. You’ll be glad you did and God will be pleased.