A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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April Health Awareness Month

Fabulous Friday...A Healthier "ME"

· Fabulous Friday,Health and Wellness

On the first Friday of each month, AWOGI highlights respective health awareness initiatives. April focuses on several:

  1. Alcohol Awareness Month
  2. World Health Day (April 7th)
  3. Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness
  4. National Autism Awareness
  5. Oral Cancer Awareness

As Christians, it’s important to observe and set aside time to support, encourage, and pray for the various healthcare conditions of those who are affected with acute illness, chronic health conditions, and any resulting social or economic challenges (Jam 5:16).

One of the most important things that we can do individually and collectively as we focus on April’s Health Awareness is pray. Prayer to God is an act of humility which may be helpful to the one who prays as well as those who are being prayed for. In doing so, let’s specifically pray for breakthroughs in research, pray for God to heal acute and chronic diseases, pray for organizations and agencies to render support to families who are in dire need of financial support with medications and supplies, and pray that each person would be more attentive to decisions we make relating to diet, exercise, and the consumption of alcohol and drugs.

  • In 2018, nearly 15 million U.S. children and adults ages 12 and older experienced Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD).
  • Annually, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) impacts more than 25 million people; and women have higher risks of contracting the disease.
  • According to the CDC (2020), 1 in 54 children are diagnosed with an Autism disorder and/or disability, and boys have a higher probability of being diagnosed.

There is power in prayer! Demonstrate your support for people who may experience any of the identified health challenges by picking up the phone and calling to encourage those you know, and also remembering to pray for ALL who have been impacted.

Challenge: Scriptures to remember:

Contributor: Dr. Karen Robinson Jackson, DNP, MSN, NEA-BC

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A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)