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Are You An "Influencer"?

July 5, 2023

Today, being an "Influencer" is a real thing—a job with benefits. Like a doctor, lawyer or teacher, influencers get paid.

Recently, my niece became an Amazon Influencer. While I am so proud of her accomplishments (including her certification in interior design), her newest gig got me to thinking. Am I An Influencer?

Google defines an Influencer as a person having the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something. Hmmmmmmmmm.

According to this definition each of us has the ability to have an impact (or effect) on another person—be it good, bad or indifferent—we have the ability to impact others in a way that can change their thought process, behavior and/or actions. That is an awesome responsibility.

The Bible supports Influencers. Matthew 5:16 says this, Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Biblical principles will always speak to kingdom building purposes. When our actions (good works) honor God, others notice. They may not be able to explain what they see, but they take notice. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, that notice will cause them to evaluate their own lives.

If we are sincere about our relationship with God others will see something different. Yes, we will make mistakes. No, we won't be perfect. But when our actions (those good deeds) are evident, some people will be influenced to change, not because you merely go to church, quote Bible verses or shout “Hallelujah“. But because of our genuine deeds. When others experience our gentle spirit, willingness to forgive others, unconditional love, and acts of kindness they will see God in us and glorify Him.

The world is full of Influencers. They come in many shapes, forms, and fashions. They encourage us to buy things, sell things, go places, and portrait a certain persona. On Social Media the # helps to draw attention to a post and encourage others to interact.

Today, I pray that my influence (and yours) will encourage someone to get to know Jesus Christ and accept Him as Lord and Savior.

Let's Be Influencers for the Kingdom or God!
