A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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Better...Not Bitter

Naomi: God is Sovereign!

· Life After Corona

When tragedy comes upon us like waves during a flood, life may seem unbearable. Even through pain and suffering, God is still at work.

Today’s inspiration comes from the Book of Ruth. It’s about a family (a husband, wife and their two sons) who traveled from their home town because of a famine in their area. During their time spent in another country, the father dies. The sons married two of the local women, but they soon die as well, leaving the mother and her two daughter-in-laws alone. The mother (Naomi) became very bitter.

When Naomi returns to her country, this is what she said to her friends: “Do not call me Naomi; call me Mara (which means bitter), for the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me. I went out full, and the Lord has brought me home again empty. Why do you call me Naomi, since the Lord has testified against me, and the Almighty has afflicted me?” Ruth 1:20-21

Some say, we shouldn’t question God, but I don’t totally agree with that. I believe when our heart sincerely desires to understand God’s plan and purpose we can ask Him anything we want to (seeking insight and direction). But we must remember that even when we ask in complete faith, we will never understand all that God allows. The disconnect occurs because our level of understanding is no match for God’s sovereignty.

God is Sovereign! He does what He wants, when He wants—how He wants. We will never understand why He allows some things to happen, but His purpose always prevails.

In the book of Job, the Bible declares, "The Lord gave; and the Lord has taken away; Blessed is the name of the Lord!"

So, What can we learn for from Naomi—I mean Mara?

In her bitterness, Naomi (Mara) almost missed out on God's blessings. Preparing to return home, she repeatedly urged her two daughters-in-law to go back to their own people. Orpah listened to Naomi (Mara) and turned back. But Ruth vowed never to leave her. Ruth's decision to stay with Naomi (Mara) resulted in an eternal heritage. I'm glad she refused to listen to Mara.

Don't become Mara! 

We must focus on what God has given, not on what's been taken away. If we are not careful our unwillingness to accept what God allows will cause bitterness to set in like a cancer killing our desires, passions, and our ability to acknowledge God’s blessings and transition towards the next steps—The Better. Yes, God still blesses, even in the midst of tragedy—look for it!

Regardless of what has happened in our lives, God’s plan is never to harm us, but to give us hope and a future. Seek to know and understand who God is and how He operates.


  • Read the book of Ruth to learn how God blessed Naomi’s future
  • Be honest with God about your feelings of bitterness, anger, and hopelessness
  • Ask God for forgiveness and strength
  • Click Knowing God to find meditation scriptures on this subject

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A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)