A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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Aim for TRUTH

· Food For Thought

January 2022: Keeping it Real, for REAL—A New Year Self-Exam 

Over the past twenty years most would agree that Venus and Serena Williams have been formidable forces in the world of tennis. With power and precision the Williams sisters have perfected the ACE—serving a small tennis ball at record speed so that it lands a hairline-fracture inside the boundary line untouched by their opponent.  

Tennis minus those stark, white lines against the grass-green court would not be the same. Those boundary lines provide structure, are the basis that outline the rules of the game, and provide standards that guide a player’s aim towards winning championships.  

Today, it seems we are becoming a boundless society. What used to be out of bounds is now in bounds.  Right is wrong,   up is down, and left has switch sides. 

Instead of black and white gray has become the new normal. At best, many of us are uncertain about almost everything and a willingness to walk in individual truth prevails.

The funny thing is—I don’t think God sees it that way and He never has. 

God is very specific. Good and evil; right and wrong; far and near are polar opposites and God doesn’t blink at the consequences. 

While our conscious may be boundless, God’s conclusions are parameter-based just like those stark white lines on the tennis court.  

Psalms 86:11-12 reminds us of this, “Teach me Your way, O Lord; I will walk in Your truth; unite my heart to fear Your name. I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and I will glorify Your name forevermore.” 

Agree or not, believe or not, conform or not—each of us will come to grips with God’s TRUTH.  

I’m not the judgeGod is. As Creator, He sets the standards. As Sustainer, He makes the rules.  

Our job is to conform, surrender, and complynot to me, but to God's will and to God's ways.

SIS Challenge: Beware of living your truth—be willing to walk in God’s TRUTH. It's your serve—Aim for TRUTH.


A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)