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Can't Choose Family

Family Focused

· Mind Right Monday

There are two things in life that we cannot choose. One is the family into which we were born and the other is the time of our entrance into the world.

Like it or not, we must wrap our minds around the fact that God had a unique purpose entangled around the timing and circumstances in which we were conceived and later born.

These factors include our family heritage, the color of our skin, and the influence of our society upon our personal existence. Ultimately each plays a role in who we are, what we become and our impact on future generations.

Good, bad or indifferent, the blood of our forefathers runs warmly through our veins—causing our existence to commemorate today's reality.  Let’s stop focusing on what we can’t change and put more effort into what we can change.

As we face today's Mind Right Monday, we must be sure to take a good hard look at who we are, where we came from, how we arrived at this point in life and what we can do to change our world for the better. This effort begins with focusing on our family.


  • Honor your parents and those who have come before you
  • Learn more about your heritage
  • Allow your life to be someone's pathway to a better tomorrow

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A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)