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Come Closer

Transitioned to Trust

August 21, 2020

We can’t fake trust. You either have it or you don’t. You’re either in or you’re out.

You’ve heard the phrase, “Actions Speak Louder Than Words.” Well, God monitors the intentions of our heart, not merely our words and actions. He alone knows whether we are sincere or not. Then, God waits. He waits for us to draw closer to Him.

“Stop. Come closer. There is something you need to know. There is something I want to say to you.” In my mind, I imagine God saying these words to me and to you.

Psalm 73:28 reminds us of this,

But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all Your works.

Come closer, God is waiting!

Trusting God changes our present and dictates our future. Trusting God is all about focus—the right focus. We shouldn't focus on the “nots”.... things you do not have, things you can not do or things that should not be. Focus on the possibilities. Because when we trust God, all things are possible.

Trusting God is all about the relationship. And we know that strong relationships don’t become strong by osmosis, they require work. Drawing closer to God strengthens the relationship.

We draw closer to God through consistent and fervent prayer—prayers that aren’t mere lists of “bless me, my, and mine,” but prayers that seek God’s best.

We draw closer to God through Bible reading and meditation—not mere verse recitation, but time fused with intent to live by those principles.

We draw closer to God as we obey His will on a daily basis—not that we'll be perfect, but that we will become stronger, better, and more like Him.

God is waiting—Stop. Draw closer to Him. There is something He needs you to know. There is something He has to say.

As we conclude this week’s focus, Transitioned to Trust, you are encouraged to take the T to T Test.

Challenge: Transitioned to Trust Test

Read the following statements and consider your response:

​I trust that

  • God loves me
  • God answers my prayers
  • God has my best interest in mind

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