A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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Remembering The Resurrection

· Fabulous Friday,The Resurrection

Fridays are FABULOUS....and so is Good Friday!

What shall I do with Jesus Christ?

The crowd had an answer for Pilate… Crucify Him!

Matthew 27:21-23 reminds us of this:

The governor answered and said to them, “Which of the two do you want me to release to you?” They said, “Barabbas!” Pilate said to them, “What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” They all said to him, “Let Him be crucified!” Then the governor said, “Why, what evil has He done?” But they cried out all the more, saying, “Let Him be crucified!"

The crowd’s response was to release a known criminal back into society and to put an innocent Christ to death.

Many of us have played our part in unleashing the criminal—criminal mindsets, behaviors, and attitudes. It all starts with a disregard for biblical principles and teachings.

Rejecting God's plan and purpose for Christ is putting the "Truth" to death.

Remember the Resurrection

As we close out “Holy Week” and prepare for Resurrection Sunday let’s consider where we really stand by asking ourselves these questions:

  • Where do I stand with Christ?
  • Have I crucified Him too?
  • Do my behaviors ultimately rebel against His principles?
  • Does my mindset and attitude reject what He represents?
  • What will I do with Jesus?


A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)