A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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Curious & Questioning

· Black History,Her Life My Example

She came curious and questioning.

I’ve had people to ask me, why do you ask so many questions?” My response, “a person who doesn’t ask questions will be limited in their understanding.”

1 Kings 10:1 says this, "Now when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon concerning the name of the Lord, she came to test him with hard questions."

The Queen of Sheba was not a nosey busy-body. She was a woman on a mission would had heard about King Solomon’s riches and wisdom. She not only came to see it for herself, she came to inquire and to gain insight.

The Bible declares that “iron sharpens iron.” The Queen of Sheba was in search of a king who superseded her personal arsenal in hopes of improving her own wellbeing—and she did just that.

I think God wants us to ask questions, “let your requests be made known.” In my mind, questions lend itself to higher learning. Questions position us to become better thinkers and more proactive leaders.

Don't allow anyone to diminish your spirit of curiosity.

The Queen of Sheba questioned until she was satisfied. Then, she blessed the Lord.

Come curious. Come questioning.

Her Life My Example: Queen of Sheba

A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)