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Dear Diary

Be Better...Do Better

March 26, 2021

I'm not sure if it's still a popular thing, but back in the day, most young girls kept a diary. Entries of frivolous nonsense, personal thoughts and family life filled every page, tucked away by lock and key in the the most obvious place—under the mattress.

Ever wonder what words would be written on the pages of women in the Bible? I always do. “The diary of a Well Woman" is one I'd love to peek into. A nameless, reckless life turned spiritual heroin. Pealing through the facade and exposing the truth, Jesus heals the brokenness and erases the shame.

I'd bet one page would go something like this....

"Dear Diary,

Today, I met a man who told me the truth—exposing everything I ever did. He is the Christ!"

You see, the entire message of Christ is based on “truth." So, confronting the truth about ourselves and acknowledging the hopelessness that lies within is essential. Until we are ready to pursue and embrace truth, our reality is off-centered.

This “Well Woman” was in the right place at the right time and Jesus “had” to go through a town called Samaria. His presence and her acceptance caused a wave of conversion not only within her life, but in the lives of people in the entire town. Because she handled the truth, many believed.

It’s who you are and the way you live that count before God. Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That’s the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship. (John 4:23 The Message Bible)

Just a little talk with Jesus caused her to run into town telling everyone that the Messiah had come and He was sitting at Jacob’s well. She accepted the truth about herself and believed the true gospel message. A source of deliverance and a new found identity revoked her disgrace and propelled her into mainstream society.

So, have you come to the end of yourself? Has your resolution waned? Have you acknowledge and surrendered to the truth?

Do Better...Be Better

Truth is…that’s what God is waiting for. He stands ready to expose, reveal, and to restore. He will help you to see your true self and to see Jesus as “The Christ”.

Repost from May 19, 2020