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Desperate Deliverance

· Her Life My Example

Queen Esther’s story was quite interesting—the entire book of Esther for that matter. The sunrise of grace and favor was soon replaced with jealous and revenge that makes way to desperation.

So, where did Esther fit in?

Esther 4:14 records this, "For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Queen Esther was in the thick of it. The Jews were in fear of their lives. The king was tricked into signing a decree designed to annihilate Jews—Esther was a Jew.

With the encouragement of her uncle, Esther declared a fast on her behalf that she might gain wisdom and understanding on how to obtain favor (once again) from the king.

Though the book of Esther doesn't include the name of God, Lord, or prayer God’s providential hand was apparent in and throughout the intentions of Queen Esther.

Her fasting and prayer provided insight that guided her directly into the presence and graces of the king.

Queen Esther’s story is my example. Desperate circumstances call for desperate measures. Esther was desperate. Her first thought was to dedicate herself, her maids, and the Jewish people to the discipline and commitment of fasting and prayer in search of God's perspective.

Esther was in the perfect place at the perfect time. She was not silent. She rose to the occassion and looked to God in search of deliverance. God did not fail her and He won't fail us.

When we experience desperate circumstances let’s follow Queen Esther’s example of prayer and fasting.

A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)