A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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Everybody Pray...

Copying with Corona

· Food For Thought

Be Wise. Walk in Faith...Not Fear! Everybody Pray.

A Prayer to Our God, Who Comforts Us and Controls COVID-19.

Most gracious and Holy Father, you are the Lord our God. We truly thank and praise thee for everything.

There’s not one single thing that you are not aware of… You are omniscient and omnipresent! You are mighty and there is none like you! You are great and worthy of all praise, honor, and glory.

Heavenly Father, we pray and ask for your forgiveness of all unrighteousness. Please wash your children from all iniquity and cleanse this world from sins. Create in all people clean hearts, and renew a right spirit within us.

Father God, we ask for your mercy as we face this coronavirus pandemic. Today, may you restore peace that will destroy uncertainty and fears to all people?

You are our God who comforts us, and you have complete control over COVID-19.

We trust you with all of our hearts, and lean not to our own understanding. We know that you are a mighty deliverer and we rejoice in your name forevermore. You delivered Israel from Egypt, and faithfully brought them to a land rich in milk and honey. As we call upon you during this pandemic, hear us and deliver us. Surely you shall deliver us from the coronavirus, and we shall not be consumed by fear.

You are our God who comforts us, and you have complete control over COVID-19. Lord God, we look towards the hills and declare that all of our help comes from thee. Through faith in thee, we understand the worlds were framed by your word.

Help us to consciously seek ye first the Kingdom of God so everything may be added to us. O God, teach us to love good more than evil; and to speak righteousness more than lies. Help us to show mercy and brotherly love and consider those most affected by this disease.

You are our God who comforts us, and you have complete control over COVID-19.

Help us Lord God of our salvation, for the glory of thy name, and deliver us from COVID-19.

In Jesus’ Name we pray. Amen!

TIPS During This Pandemic

  • Pray without ceasing
  • Study your Bible
  • Be your brother’s and sister’s keeper

Contributor: Dr. Karen Robinson Jackson, DNP, MSN, NEA-BC

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A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)