A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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Exercise Restraint

Lay Aside Every Weight

· Food For Thought

The smell of cheese is alluring to a mouse. Unaware of the metal trap, he sniffs first. One nibble—and SNAP!

Hebrews 12:1-3 includes such gory details for those of us to fail to take heed to its warnings. Those traps include the physically ensnared; the spiritually discouraged; and the emotionally drained. Some of these traps are the result of the devil's alluring enticements, others we walk right into based of our own cognizance.

The devil is not like God. He doesn’t have the ability to be everywhere at the same time, but he reads us like a book. He's well aware of our strengths and faults. He's familiar with our likes and dislikes. Well acquainted with our favorite things, he knows exactly what triggers every emotion. He knows when we've approached our weakest hour and that’s when he’s most likely to strike.

Most of this information we hand over unknowingly. Our do’s and don’ts, our actions and attitudes communicate more than we know and sometimes that information is used against us.

To the contrary, we don’t need the devil’s help to become entangled in compromising positions. Truth be told—impatience, selfish, and stubborn attributes will get us into more trouble that we’d care to admit.

How do we prevent ourselves from falling into traps that ensnare us, situations that drain us, and circumstances that deliver outright discouragement?

Exercise Restraint and Employ Discipline!


Yes, it is possible to prevent some of the traps we allow ourselves to fall into. It is possible to eliminate some of our discouragement. And it is possible to lessen the emotional drain. Restraint and discipline are two sides of the same coin. When utilized appropriately, they develop a winning spirit.

  • When we exercise restraint, we train ourselves to avoid and resist things that are harmful to our health and emotional well-being
  • When we employ discipline, we practice (over and over) and work at doing things that are beneficial and add value to our lives

In advance, we must fortify ourselves to withstand hardship and arm ourselves against devilish attacks. Prayer, Bible study, and obedience are the tools and consistency and diligence are required attributes to preventing the pitfalls.


  1. Be honest with yourself about yourself
  2. Acknowledge personal shortcomings
  3. Exercise restraint
  4. Employ discipline

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A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)