A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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Feed Your Focus

Fridays are FABULOUS and so are YOU.....

· Fabulous Friday

Fridays are FABULOUS and are YOU….

I can't believe it....in a few days, half of the year 2020 will be behind us. No doubt, this year will go down in the record books for so many different reasons. For some, it's been and still is a big whirlwind. But all of us face needed adjustments to “new normals” and the impact of recent events.

Recovery is in reach!

I recently read a quote by Jay Shetty, that says “starve your distractions and feed your focus.” Today, I encourage you to do just that.

In my mind this means to pay less attention to things you can't control and more attention to things you can control.

Allow this natural year's midpoint to be a time of reflection, review, and renewal. Then, feed your focus.

Because, Fridays are FABULOUS and so are YOU!


  • Take some time to evaluate your goals and objectives or to establish new ones  
  • Give yourself the freedom to release fears and frustrations of recent events  
  • Recognize the potential in your future

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A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)