A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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Focus On A Healthy Heart ♥️

Health and Wellness

· Fabulous Friday,Health and Wellness

Fridays are FABULOUS and so are YOU!

On this Fabulous Friday AWOGI will close out the month of May and our Health and Wellness topic focused on a Healthy Heart ♥️!

When most of us think of a healthy heart we may think of the cardiovascular elements of the heart. However it’s said that our heart is the center of our love. So, consider these questions:

♥️ Do you have a Healthy Heart?

♥️ Is your Heart beating with LOVE?

In a world of so much uncertainty love may waver. But you can have a clean pure heart, a forgiving heart and a heart of gold. Having a Healthy, Healthy Heart is a prescription for having healthy love.

God is our best example for what pure, true love looks like. Regardless of how bad we treat Him (and each other), He still loves us unconditionally. Let's seek His perspective.

In spite of a person's actions, the circumstance or the situation, everyone can demonstrate love.....Just Do It!

Focus on a Healthy ♥️ and love fabulously, because Fridays are FABULOUS and so are YOU.


Each day I encourage you to:

♥️ Love by being more gentle

♥️ Love by being more accepting

♥️ Love by being more patient

Contributor: Candy Mathieu (Owner of Networking with Queens)

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A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)