A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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· Fabulous Friday,Black History

Fridays Are FABULOUS....and so is FREEDOM!

The United States of American prides itself on being the land of liberty; providing justice for all; and giving everyone the right to the pursuit of happiness.

As African Americans, what’s common place for some are mere words to others. Yet we will continue in the fight to experience that liberty, receive that justice, and walk in the happiness proclaimed by the words and written from the pen of American forefathers.

It is with deep gratitude that we remember and acknowledgeo the efforts of everyone who's gone before us—marched, suffered, and died—so that every American is afforded the same rights and privileges.

Our hopes and dreams shout, Free at Last… Free at Last… ThankGod Almighty, we’re Free at Last!

Fridays Are FABULOUS…and so is FREEDOM!


A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)