A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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Go For The Gold

· Sunday Special

Have you paid attention to the Olympic games?  I have and it's been AMAZING!

Watching atheletes from around the world compete at the highest level of their physical abilities has the capacity to provide great lessons. There personal experiences, hardships and challenges provide valuable information.

Olympic Lessons: Go For The Gold

  • hard work, consistency and  determination pays off
  • I am more than what I do
  • that my abilities should never define who I am
  • it's more about the journey than the 1st place destination
  • hang in there, keep it moving, and never give up

AWOGI's focus for the month of August is "Go For The Gold".  

Philippians 3:14 says this, "I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

This scripture reference aligns our Christian jouney to a race reminding us that our life and acheivements should be goal oriented. 

Though our intent may seek the physical and monitary, our primary focus should be guided by the spiritual. Just as the results of the athelete's effort will help him/her to obtain a gold medal in the say way we are required to put forth time, effort and dedication to obtain all that God has for us.

Watch the Olympics and join AWOGI for the month of August as we encourage each other to Go For The Goal

A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)