Go Tell That... Most of us have heard the story of the women who went to the tomb early in the morning and found that Jesus had already risen from the dead.
Those women were also the first to lay eyes on the risen Savior. Surly they were surprised, excited, and undoubtedly afraid.
Matthew 28:10 records Jesus' words, “Then Jesus said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. Go and tell My brethren to go to Galilee, and there they will see Me.’”
In Bible days, when it came to business and spiritual matters women were considered to be second class citizens. The men took care of the important matters and women focused on the house and the children.
Today’s women are much more informed, engaged and integrated into business, society, and the church.
While those women may not have been included in the social or spiritual decisions of their day, this scripture got me to thinking—how often does our conversation with others follow Jesus' instruction given to the women on Resurrection Day?
Ladies, things have change—we are much more engrained in our society. And when it comes to talking—we got that on lock down.
Let your conversations focus on Messages That Matter.
Use your influence and 'gift for gab' to follow the instructions of the Lord…go, tell somebody about Jesus?
Go…Tell That!