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Grateful to God for "Me"

November 16, 2022

Day 16 - An Attitude of Gratitude 30-Day Challenge: Write down one thing you're thankful to God for and do something specific to return the kindness. 

Grateful to God for being me… 

Today, I want to thank God for creating me—just the way I am. God has created each and every one of us for a special plan and purpose.  

I’m different. And I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s ok to be different. As a matter of fact, we're called to be just that—different. The Bible says that God's people are peculiar (special, unique or unusual), different from the norm and on a different track.  

Psalm 139:14 proclaims this, “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.” 

God, I thank You for creating me just as I am. Strengthen me to see things from Your perspective and enable me to walk in Your ways.  

Knowing that You always have my best interest in mind, I thank You for the path You've laid out before me. Guide me by Your Spirit and order my steps so that I will accomplish Your plan.  

Today, I want to thank God for creating me just the way I am.