- a state of mind where one feels alone whether actually alone or in the presence of others
- a feeling of disconnection to God and others as well
Possible Symptoms of Loneliness
- Feeling excessively tired all the time
- Seemingly no energy
- Sadness/sorrow
Our God: The God of Relationship and Community
- He’ is triune in nature
- His Will for His creation
Temporary Relief
- Substances
- Behaviors
Not Exempt:
As Believers and followers of Christ, we are not exempt from the pain of loneliness (Psalm 25:16-21; Eccl. 4:7-12)
- King David (Psalm 25:16-21)
- The Prophet Jeremiah
- The Apostle Paul
- Jesus Christ, our Lord
The Cure for Loneliness
As the foundation of our Faith, God’s Word reminds us that, even when our loneliness tells us that we are alone, as His Beloved Children, we are never alone. God’s Word is supernatural! His Word is powerful! His Word is able to re-establish our thoughts, insights and conditions of the heart. God’s Word is the cure for our loneliness!
When you feel that you’re experiencing some loneliness, talk to God through prayer; pick up the phone and call a Christian friend just to talk; pick up your Bible and read. There are many passages of Scripture that offer help with loneliness as well as other emotions we may experience.
Just to name a few:
Skit Writer: Julia Bolden
Skit Participants: Danielle Jenkins and Laverne Moore
Speaker Presentation: Minister Coetta Holmes