Haterville should never be a destination for vacation or permanent resident. Please delete this location from your GPS.
Don't be a hater. Slander doesn't suit any situation. Diving in the dirt won't add dignity to your day. Starting confusion doesn't compliment your complexion. Being vicious won't bring value to your victory.
We are all different — various shades of gorgeous — unique shapes of wonderful — diverse thoughts of genius.
We should admire the the beauty that lies within us, welcome the gifts we all bring to the table and celebrate the wins of each other.
Romans 14:19 reminds us of this, “Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify another.”
Women were created to influence and encourage others to do good things and to be great people. Let’s aim to walk in peace inspiring our family, friends and acquaintances to be and to do their very best.
Yes, there will always be those of evil intent. Let’s pray for them and lift them up all the more.
Haterville should never be a destination for vacation or permanent resident, so please delete this location from your GPS.