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Hide... and Go Seek

You're "IT"!

March 27, 2020

Throw Back Thursday....Have you ever played the game, “Hide, and Go Seek”?

Maybe I'm telling my age, because I don't think kids play this game any more. But I remember it well. It went something like this....One person would be "IT" and everyone else would hide. After covering their eyes and counting to ten, the person who was "IT" would try to find everyone who had hidden themselves.

Frantically looking under beds, around corners, behind furniture, in closets and under covers—relentlessly searching high and low, the person who was "IT" couldn’t wait until they had found the first person. With excitement in their voice, they'd yell, “You’re IT!” Oh, what joy it was to finally shout those words!

1 Chronicles 16:11, says:

Seek the Lord and His strength. Seek His presence continually.

This verse reminds me of my childhood game. Of the mere ten words, “seek” is listed twice. In my mind there is great significance to the word "seek" being listed twice. I think it means that we should spend twice as much time looking for God than looking for anything or anyone else. The fact that “seek” is listed twice denotes the intensity in which we should look to and for God.

The rest of the verse indicates the objective of our seeking, looking and searching:

  • To Find God, indicating a sincere desire to develop a personal relationship with Him.
  • To Obtain God's strength indicating the power and ability to accomplish all that He has called us to do.
  • To be in God's presence, indicating that His Holy Spirit lives within us to teach and encourage us to walk in His ways.

In times like these...

it's time out for hiding, start seeking.

In times like these...

don't look to people and things, look to God.

In times like these...

intensify your search for God with purpose, tenacity and consistency.

This may be a stretch, but remember what it was like to play “Hide, and Go Seek” cause, You’re “IT”....

With the same enthusiasm as kids playing my childhood game, Seek God Continually!

Challenge: Seek God by

  • Reading the Bible daily
  • Praying often
  • Trusting and Obeying God

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