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Hindsight is 20/20

January 25, 2022

 It’s Mind Right Monday…Remember the lessons learned from hindsight. 

Most of us are familiar with the phrase, ‘Hindsight is 20/20”. It refers to the understanding one has after an event has occurred.  

Our past experiences with people and situations have the capacity to teach us a great deal. 

People teach us who they are—pay attention and take note. 

Situations teach us what not to do again—use wisdom and trynot to make the same mistake twice. 


Turn around for a minute. 

Look back on the events of 2021. 

Ask yourself this question: What lessons have I learned from the people I've encountered (new and old) and the experiences I’ve had (good and bad)? 

It’s Mind Right Monday…Remember lessons learned from hindsight.