Though my mother is no longer with us, I remember her character and her spirit. Faith, Family, and Fun sums it all up.
Faith: She was definitely a Christian woman who taught us to demonstrate Christ-like values as well. Church was not an option for us. As a matter of fact, she brought us to church—as opposed to sending us. We were expected to utilize our gifts in service to God.
Family: The mother of ten and more than twenty grandchildren at her death, she loved her children. Celebrations were many and always at our home with no exceptions. Holidays were always special times in our home.
Fun: She loved to watch us dance and she played games with us until she became too ill to do so. I remember playing jacks on the floor and checkers—she was the Checkers Queen.
She loved to make us laugh and that she did often. The meeting place in our home was my parents’ bedroom. When the room became too full, we moved into the dinning room. She had a warm personality and a gentle spirit. If I could be half the woman she was, that would be ok because in my mind she was the best.
“Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.” Ephesians 6:2-3
The Bible says to honor your mother that "your days may be long". This is not a suggestion—it’s a command.
Whether your mother is living or not, it’s never too late to honor her. But don’t wait until she’s dead to do so.