A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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Lights Our Way

· Food For Thought

l'll admit it. I've never paid very much attention to the carrying of the Olympic Torch during the Olympic Games. But as this month's AWOGI focus 'Go For The Gold' comes to an end, our theme would be incomplete without mention of the torch.

According to Wikipedia, the carrying of the Olympic Torch is a relay across the host country symbolizing continuity between the ancient games and the modern games. During this nation-wide relay, the Olympic Torch is carried from city to city beginning several weeks prior to the Olympic Games and ending with the lighting of the Olympic Cauldron during the opening ceremony.

The official Olympic Website indicates that Japan’s focus was Hope Lights Our Way.  This amazing theme  was designed to unite the Japanese people around messages about supporting, accepting and encouraging one another.

For me, this Hope Lights Our Way concept brings a verse from Psalms 133:1 to mind, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! "

Like Japan’s theme, this verse reminds me of a unified people—my HOPE for a unified people.  Let's pray that one day our families, churches, cities, states, and courtries will come together in unity.  

Though we aren't perfect, we can hope for the best by aiming to: 

  • Extend grace and forgiveness
  • Show love and forbearance
  • Encourage and support
  • Be kind and generous
  • Make peace  

Though the Olympic Torch relay happens at the beginning of the Olympic Games, let’s do our part to carry the torch and allow hope to light our way EVERYDAY—ALL DAY. 

Extend grace and forgiveness. Be kind and generous. Show love and forbearence. Encourage and support.  Make peace.  

Carry your portion of the Olympic Torch—Hope Lights Our Way!   

Go For The Gold!  


A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)