A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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· Mind Right Monday

Mind Right Monday... A Day Early!

If you live in Southeast Louisiana, you are likely experiencing what I call, Hurricanxiety!

Yes, I trust God. Yes, I've been praying. Yes, I've taken the advice of my governmental officials. Yes, I've also used wisdom and common sense. But truth is, even though I've gotten out of harms way, I still have a touch of Hurricanxiety!

To manage this, I try to balance my news-watching and my snack-eating by not doing too much of either. Watching movies that make me laugh help. But most importantly, I Keep Praying.

Impacted by the Hurricane: 

If you rode out the storm, I pray that all is well with you and your properety and that your electricity will be back on soon.

If you have evacuated, be careful and take your time getting back home. I pray for your safe return.

If you have Hurricanxiety like I do, it'ok...This too shall pass. 

Keep Praying!

Family and Friends: 

If you have family members or friends who live in areas impacted by the hurricane pray for their mental wellbeing and for their safety.

Keep Praying!

It's Mind Right Monday...A Day Early!

A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)