A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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In the Presence of PEACE


· Food For Thought

Peace is not the absence of turmoil. Peace is the ability to function—and not panic, in the midst of turmoil. Get to the other side, trust God in the midst of turmoil.

This world us filled with opposition, evil, and ill-will. Don't be surprised. Don't be weary. Don't panic. Peace is present.

In book of Mark (Chapter 4), the Bible tells a story of Jesus and his disciples preparing to get into a boat to cross a lake. Jesus says, "Let us cross over to the other side." Along the way, a terrible storm arose and the disciples became frantic—Jesus was asleep. In a panic, they woke Him up shouting, "Master, don't you care that we are perishing?"

They hadn't realized that they were in the Presence of PEACE—Jesus The Christ.

When facing difficulty, stress and strain, remember those standing with you. Yes, you can see family and friends who may be willing to help. Truth is, when it comes to real peace, their assistance is limited. The ability to calm can only come through the Prince of PEACE—the Friend you cannot see.

Just as with Jesus' disciples, our ability to cross over to the other side may be through treacherous waters, tough times, difficult situations, death of loved ones, financial struggles, sickness or disease. But remember this, PEACE is present! He will guide you safely through, crossing to the other side.

Call upon the Name of Jesus to help. He is waiting to respond and to deliver PEACE in the midst of your situation. His peace will surpass your understanding.

Keep this in mind, He may choose not to stop the winds from blowing, but He will give you the strength to withstand its forces; the ability to walk within its midst; and the wisdom to navigate its unknowns.


  • When in a panic, call on Jesus
  • Trust that He is able to bring peace to your situation
  • Look forward to life on the other side


A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)