A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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It's All About That Balance

· Mental Health,Food For Thought

When life becomes overwhelming there are tools available to assist.  

For most of us, prayer is the first thing that comes to mind. 

Scripture reading and meditation is another option to relieve stress. Praise and worship also helps us to change our focus. 

In addition to those excellent tools Proverbs 11:14 reminds us of this, “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” 

Counseling is an unsung hero that doesn’t come to mind at first thought. 

While prayer, scripture reading, and praise are viable options to help us manage stressful times the benefit of wisdom, guidance, and the insight of trusted individuals and professionals is a great value to our well-being. 

Wise counseling will encourage the soul, inspire the heart, strengthen the mind, and keep us from falling.

Successful people aren’t successful because they know ever thing, but because they surround themselves with people who are smarter than they are and those who have learned from their own  personal experiences. 

Talking things through, venting, hearing another perspective, and getting sound advice are all counseling tools that can provide insight and direction to your life.

It’s all about that balance. Bring some balance into your life. Seek wise counseling. 

A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)