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It's Tight...

But It's Right

November 9, 2023


If we’re honest, most of us would prefer to do something (anything) other than reading the Bible. That's tight, but it's right.

It's a distraction design to take our attention away from gaining an understanding of who God is and our purpose in His plan. This distraction also causes us to assign a lower value to learning more about what it really means to experience abundant living. That's tight, but it's right.

Truth is, we generally look to God for blessings—stuff. While God is an awesome provider and a giver of perfect gifts, many of our blessings come from our willingness to obey and follow God's direction. That's tight, but it's right.

Psalm 119:105 reminds us of this, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

A lamp helps us to see things close to us. A light helps us to see what’s ahead of us. Though we won't see everything clearly, as draw closer to God, He will give us the insight needed to respond to people and situations in a way that honors Him and blesses us and others. Reading the Bible teaches us life lessons for the temporal and the eternal.

Our ability to walk in the abundant life that Jesus speaks of requires that we live life God's way. That's tight, but it's right.

God’s ways are far from our ways and His thoughts are far from our thoughts. That's tight…but it’s right.

We won’t always agree with God and that doesn’t make God wrong. That's tight, but it's right.

Most of us don't want to be corrected or told what to do. The Bible is filled commands and directions. That's tight, but it's right.

The Bible is intended to step on toes, to convict, and to chastise. Those are the hidden blessings that help us to convert from our evil ways to God’s righteous nature. That's tight, but it's right.

If you really want to live life more abundantly, start by reading your Bible. It’s tight, but it’s right.