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Love The One You're With

May 10, 2022

 I admit it—I "LOVE" Me Some "ME".  That's because I am fearfully and womderfully made.  When God created ME, He created a special thing of beauty. So,  I Love the One I'm With (ME).

Psalms 139:14 reminds us of this, "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well."

Love The One You’re With 

Short, tall, thick, slim, light, dark—and everything in between there is only one YOU. So, love her with all of your being.  

Love The One You’re With 

Regardless of your income, education, up bringing, or current status there is only one YOU. So, love her from the inside out.  

Love The One You’re With 

From the day you were born until the day you leave this earth there will only be one YOU. So, love her as if your life depends on it—because it does.   

Love The One You’re With 

Take advantage of every opportunity to do your best and be your best. If you care to make any changes, do that…but always love her—she's the one you are with forever. 

Schedule some time apart from your busy routine to rest, recuperate, and rejuvenate. Enjoy some “YOU” time.  Love the ONE You're With!