A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)


I Encourage You

It's Mind Right Monday.... May, I Encourage You.

Welcome to the month of May! We are well into spring, the weather is getting warmer, and the days are becoming longer.

May, I encourage you to enjoy the warm sun and embrace the spring showers. Both add beauty and bounty to life.

May, I encourage you to take a second look—trees are full and green again; the flowers have started to blossom.

Just as God renews and replenishes the earth, He is able to do the same for you.

May might have arrived sooner than expected—time is passing by so quickly. Take the past in stride and look towards the future with the expectation of greater things to come.

May, I encourage you to enjoy all that this season has to offer.

It's Mind Right Monday.... May, I Encourage You!

A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)