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Mental Magnification

Light and Love

September 11, 2020

When was the last time you used a magnifying glass?

A magnifying glass makes things appear bigger. When it comes to science and medicine, this is an extremely useful tool. But when it comes to our thought process, mental magnification could mean the difference between a journey filled with joy or one full of pain.

As we lay aside the weights of the world we will forever be challenged to manage our thoughts appropriately. We must remember to magnify that which sheds light and love.

As always, the Bible provides insight on our thought-life and mental meditation. Philippians 4:8 says,

…whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.

Yet another proactive approach that refuses to allow us to become overtaken by the cares of the world, this verse is filled with positive affirmations of light and love. Its another reminder to stay focused on the important, not the insignificant.

Girl, life is too short. Don't waste time magnifying negative energies. Let go of toxic memories and mindsets. Replace them with thoughts that acknowledge God's blessings; honor the contributions of others; and look on the brighter side of life.

Get your mind right and keep it right!  

Our day-to-day thought-life plays a big part in making sure this happen. This huge undertaking requires daily evaluation and constant maintenance.

Keep your eyes on the prize. Magnify thoughts that sheds light and love.


  • Practice meditation
  • Focus on the positive
  • Celebrate and honor others

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