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Mind Over Matter

Building Mental Strength

April 27, 2020

Note: I don’t claim to be a clinician—doctor, psychologist, psychiatrist or counselor.

So this might sound a bit weird, but talking to myself has proven to be beneficial. It helps me to fight back against the devil’s attacks to infiltrate my mind. I call it mental exercise and I use it to build mental strength because when my mind isn't strong, nothing else matters.

From my standpoint, just as we exercise our physical bodies, it is just as important to exercise our minds. Today, we will exercise our minds with seven repetitions of Self Affirmation and God's Promises.

Seven Repetitions of “Self Affirmation”

Repeat after me:

  1. I Am Important
  2. I Do Matter
  3. I Will Succeed
  4. I Am Enough
  5. I Am Beautiful
  6. I Will Make it Through This
  7. Today Will be a GREAT Day

Seven Repetitions of “God’s Promises”

Repeat after me:

  1. God, with You, all things are possible
  2. God, You are the source of my strength
  3. God, You always have my best interest in mind
  4. God, thank you for promising never to leave me or forsaken me
  5. Lord, You are my strength and power and You make my way perfect
  6. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
  7. I am more than a conqueror, through Jesus Christ  who loves me


  • Encourage yourself
  • Repeat the repetitions of Self Affirmation and God's Promises as often as needed
  • Add your personal favorites

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