A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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Mind Your Triple A's

My Articulation, My Actions, and My Attitudes

· Food For Thought

Mind Your Triple A's: Articulation, Actions, and Attitude...

Walking in our greatest potential requires special attention to detail and the truth about who we are.

Google defines virtue as behavior showing high moral standards. Lessons from Proverbs 31 (The Virtuous Woman), remind us to strive for a standard above and beyond society’s goal. This woman’s crowning jewel is not found in her apparel or appearance, but in her regard for the things of God.

 Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.

Proverbs 31:30

She sees things from God’s perspective and adapts her life in compliance. A great start to becoming all that we can be is to grab hold of behaviors that could possibly derail our progress and destroy our testimony.

Truth is, life happens and we all encounter unpleasant people, situations, and circumstances. Our Triple-A responses reflect true moral compass and ultimately governs conscious regard or lack there of.

So, let’s take a few tips from Proverbs 31 and pay close attention to our interactions with the people and how we manage challenges. We must learn to speak with kindness, walk in wisdom, and demonstrate patience.

Challenge: Honestly consider your Triple A’s

  • Articulation: what I say…
  • Actions: what I do…..
  • Attitude: the visible and invisible emotions connected to how I say what I say, and do what I do
  • Make needed adjustments to measure up to God's standard not the world's

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A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)