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O' Foolish Heart

February 1, 2022

Growing up, my mother always reminded us, “never call anyone a fool.” Yet the Bible isn’t so bashful regarding the use of the word fool or foolish. 

Psalm 14:1 reminds us of this, “The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God.' They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none who does good.” 

For the next two weeks, we will focus on the condition of the heart and how we can transform ours to be exactly what God intends. 

So, where do we begin? How about at the beginning….  

Google defines a fool as someone who acts unwisely or imprudently. 

Truth is, we all have a 'Heart Condition'.  Let's take time to consider the condition of our hearts and place them into the hands of a heart fixer and heart regulatorthe Almight God.

The first step towards transforming a foolish heart is acknowledging and yielding to the Creator, Himself. 

Once we submit to God we then have the capacity to walk in wisdom.  

Consider the condition of your heart and seek wisdom.

O’ Foolish Heart…Seek God’s strength.  

O’ Foolish Heart…Trust God’s Ways. 

O’ Foolish Heart…Surrender to God’s Authority.