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On Purpose...

· Her Life My Example

….He had to go through Samaria.” I love those words.

John chapter 4 records the story of the woman at the well. I call her The Well Woman and she is one of my favorite Bible characters. Why?

For me it’s the rags to riches—sinner to saint theme. All have sinnedNone is without fault. What we consider to be the worst behaviors and character traits are opportunities for forgiveness.

Jesus said, He “needed to go to Samaria”. It wasn’t just about a trip from one location to another. He went on purpose.

God’s purpose is never about saving one person, but transforming one person in such a way that others would be impacted by their testimony and influence. If it was good enough for The Well Woman we all have a chance.

Fornication, adultery, guilt, shame—it’s all in her story. But even more importantly, she was rescued by the Rescuer on purpose.

Her Life My Example
In my mind, The Well Woman is a homage to victory. It’s my reminder that regardless of how far I stray away from God, He is always ready to reach out and draw me back to Himself—on purpose. He needed to go through Samaria and The Well Woman responded to His call.

Purpose always proceeds God's agenda. When we respond to God's call impact is always the result. 

A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)