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One Life to Live

March 2, 2023

You only have one life. As much as humanly possible, live a life of joy and peace.


One life to live—I think that’s the name of an old soap opera. It’s true—we only have one life to live.

So, how are you living your life?

If you don’t like the way something is, change it. If you don’t like where you live, move. And for the things you can't control, ask God for the strength needed to walk throught it.

If you aren't careful outside forces will steal our joy and your peace.

Take the proactive approach by setting goals to put yourself into a different space spiritually, mentally, and physically.

John 10:10 reminds us of this, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”

While the abundant life Jesus offers begins with eternal life in heaven, His “more abundant” life also speaks to our day-to-day existence.

Since you only have one life to live, make sure your thought process is focused on that which brings life, promotes life, and exudes life. If you are used to thinking negatively work to change those habits towards the positive.

Since you only have one life to live, make sure your physical body is strong and in good shape. Eat well balanced meals and get more exercise in order to increase your energy and stamina.

Since you only have one life to live be kind to others and extend yourself more often. Choose joy and peace especially even when dealing with difficult people or circumstances.

Life is filled with the unexpected, the underserved, and the unimaginable—no one is exempt.

Life will not wait. Don’t allow the devil to play you like a fiddle. Take charge and make choices that give and breed life. fo