A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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Prayerful...Not Panic-Filled

Esther: for such a time as this

· Life After Corona,Mind Right Monday

When Corona is done, how will you come out? Truth is, facing hardship and adversity is nothing new for God's people. Regardless to the purpose—be it punishment or happenstance, God purposefully orchestrates such events as opportunities to draw us closer to Him, increase our faith and to prove that He is God.

Today's inspiration comes from Esther, a beautiful and young Jewish woman who reigned as queen during a time when the Jews faced annihilation at the hand of an evil and harsh servant of King Ahasuerus. Esther 3:8-13

One could only imagine the panic and fear throughout the Jewish community in the presence of a published death decree and bounty for every man, woman, boy and girl. Most of us would've been kicking rocks...quick, fast and in a hurry.

But Esther’s uncle (Mordecai) urged her to do something (Esther 4:14-16):

For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

At first hesitant, Esther’s final response:

“Go, gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me; neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast likewise. And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!”

In the biblical sense, prayer and fasting go hand in hand. Knowing that an attempt to present herself to the king unsummed could mean her life, Esther focused on both. After three days, she received revelation from God on how to approach the situation. At God’s direction Esther meticulously planned several meetings with the king that revealed the servant's evil nature and divisive motives.

Because of Esther's actions King Ahasuerus gave the Jews permission to defend themselves, which ultimately dismissed the decree.

So, what can we learn from Esther?

Prayer is more productive than panic. Maybe—just maybe—God wants to use you in a special way for a specific purpose during this time. Through prayer and fasting, God can and will reveal a plan that allows you to cope, strategize, and make the best of an otherwise debilitating situation.

When Corona is done, be more prayerful and less panic-filled. Utilize this quarantine time to develop your prayer life. Set time aside to build a closer relationship with God. Pray for your family and friends, personal situations, and how you can serve others. Let your children and grandchildren know that you are praying for them.

Prayer Tips and Reminders

- Seek God's perspective, purpose and plan

- Your prayers may not change the situation

- Your prayers might just change you

- Ask God for wisdom and direction

- Be honest with God about your concerns and fears

Married Women

Pray for your husband and your marriage; extend grace and not grief; seek to meet his need and don't nag

Single Women

Pray for strength that enables your single life to honor God; seek ways to utilize your gifts and talents to serve God and help others


  • Read the entire chapter of Esther to gain additional insight
  • Develop a schedule that includes scripture meditation and prayer
  • Click Prayer to view scriptures for personal meditation

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A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)