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Queen Her...

January 16, 2024

Getting Back to the Basics: My Triple A's:

AWOGI aims to encourage and support women to learn and to grow—this includes me. Walking in my greatest potential requires special attention to detail and the truth about who I am.

Whether in public or in private, my Triple A's (Actions, Attitude, and Articulation) reveal my true character.

Proverbs 31:30 gives me this reminder, "Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised."

This woman’s crowning jewel is not found in her apparel or appearance, but in her regard for the things of God.

Crowned with grace and glory, she sees things from God’s perspective and adapts her life in compliance. A great start to becoming all that I can be is to grab hold of behaviors that could possibly derail my progress and destroy my testimony.

Google defines virtue as behavior showing high moral standards. Lessons from Proverbs 31 (The Virtuous Woman), reminds me to strive for a standard above and beyond society’s goal. Truth is, life happens and just like everyone else I encounter unpleasant people, situations, and circumstances. My Triple A responses reflect true moral compass and ultimately governs conscious regard or lack there of.

My goal is to pay attention to Proverbs 31 and use it as a framesork for my life. With God's strength, I can wear a crown fit for a queen as I commit to speaking with kindness, walking in wisdom, and demonstrating patience.

Back to the Basics:

The next few days will be my reminder to check my Actions, Attitude, and Articulation all in an effort to Queen Her.