A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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· Back to the Basics

Back to the Basics: RECUED

While on summer vacation, my sister and I had to take a dip in the hotel pool. The deep end was alluring. My mom watched on, but did she notice me inching towards danger?

Suddenly, my feet could no longer touch the pool-floor. Though I could swim a little, fear caused me to panic. From the side of the pool, my mother grabbed my hand. I don't think she even got wet. She was paying attention. She did see me. She rescued me.

I don’t remember if I saw my mother’s hand or not—only that I was pulled to safety.

John 3:16 says this, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

Most won't admit it, but danger is alluring. Sometimes, we don't realize the drift into unsafe territory until it's too late.

God is watching. He is paying attention. Jesus died to rescue us.

When we're at our worst, God's hand reaches out to us at the brink of our destruction. Jesus' life, death, and ressurection set the stage for our rescue from hell and the power over alluring sin.

The difference between my pool rescue and my rescue from hell is that one required my choice and the other was involuntary. My mother pulled me from the pool without my conscious knowledge. But accepting Jesus Christ as Savior was my choice.

We must make a conscious decision to accept God’s hand by accepting Jesus Christ as Savior.

Let’s get back to the basics by thanking God for the rescue.

Click RESCUED to review God's Plan for Salvation.


A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)