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Save A Seat For Trust

The truth about Trust

August 6, 2020

God created us for relationship—primarily for a relationship with Him. Truth is, our relationship with God (or lack thereof) will have a huge impact on how we connect with those around us.

Take marriage, for instance. Biblically speaking, the marital relationship between a man and a women is a symbolic resemblance of the relationship between Christ and the church. Husbands are expected to protect, provide for, and love their wives as Christ loves the church—to the point of death. Wives are to respect and honor their husbands—TRUST.

Now, look at parenthood. Fathers and mothers are responsible for nurturing and teaching their children to become adults who are kind, generous, law abiding citizens, and contributors to society—TRUST.

Wholesome relationships provide a healthy environment that fosters trust. Offering a source of dependability, security, and stability, trust is built upon the foundation of experience. And therefore, trust has to be proven as such.

Over the course of time, people will show us who they really are, but sometimes we ignore the truth behind their actions. Though it may be difficult to admit, many of us leaped before we looked only to find out too late that perceived kindness didn’t equal trustworthiness. For these and similar reasons, many have been disappointed, hurt, injured, and even killed because our trust was placed in the wrong person—MISTRUST.

Psalms 118:8 reminds us of this,

It is better to trust in the LORD, than to put confidence in man.

Even when we are unsure of a person’s intent, we can rest assure that God’s intentions toward us are always pure and right. As we develop a closer relationship with the Lord, He will begin to reveal the truth—the truth about trust. That includes making us aware of those we should trust and those we shouldn’t.

Save a seat for trust—not man’s but God’s. When our trust in God is center focus, He will shine the light on those who are unworthy of a seat at the table. Saving us from the unnecessary heartache of misplaced trust.


  • Consider those seated at the table of your trust
  • Place God at the head of the table

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