A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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Say It Out Loud...

· Fabulous Friday

Fridays are FABULOUS…and so is Personal Affirmation!

The world is filled with negative messaging and images. Counselors and psychologists suggest that affirmations have a profound impact on our confidence and motivate us to reach our goals.

I believe each of us is uniquely fashioned by God to make a positive contribution to society. The Bible is filled with affirmations and God's plans for us. Now it's time to remind ourselves that a great God created us to be great gifts to the world.

Say It Out Loud!

Today, AWOGI reminds you to “say it out loud”. Take time out of your schedule to acknowledge and speak out loud any positive values, actions, or qualities you see within yourself. State each one as a fact. Voice it confidently. Say it out loud.

Here are a few of my favorite affirmations:

  • I Am Strong
  • I Am Confident
  • I Will Meet My Goal
  • I Will Do A Good Job
  • I Am More Than A Conqueror
  • I Have Amazing Gifts To Offer
  • Today Will Be A FABULOUS Day
  • God Has A GREAT Plan For My life
  • I Am Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
  • I Will Make A Positive Impact on the World

Try using personal affirmations to remind youself of all that God has created you to be. Affirm yourself and give God the glory.

Say It Out Loud and see what happens!

Fridays are FABULOUS…and so is Personal Affirmation.

A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)