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Self Care Tip: Relax

Mind Right Monday

June 15, 2020

Don’t forget to take care of YOU!

As women, we're always so concerned with making sure that everyone else is “GOOD” that we forget about ourselves. Maybe you can't take a vacation on the beach, but you can incorporate relaxation into your schedule.

Today’s Mind Right Monday tip is designed to encourage you to RELAX! Be intentional. Take a time out.

Working mothers of young children might find it more challenging to carve out time for themselves. I encourage you to seek the assistance of family members, other mothers or invest in baby sitting services.

Use your alone time to refuel. Slow down and invest in yourself. Set some time aside to care for your mind, body and spirit.

Courtesy of Health Guide, here are some techniques to help you relax. Click RELAX to view practical and easy to follow tips from


  • Be the BEST you, you can be
  • Take time to Relax

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