A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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on the other foot

· Her Life My Example

Do you love shoes? Make sure to keep the right shoe on the right foot.

Last week’s post were about Sarai and her decision to take matters into her own hands. This week, we will discuss Hagar, the woman who experienced the impact of Sarai’s bad decisions.

Genesis 16:4 records this, So he went in to Hagar, and she conceived. And when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress became despised in her eyes.

Hagar was Sarai's maid. At Sarai’s suggestion, Hagar is given to Abram and she conceives.

I’m not a Bible scholar, but according to what I have read, when the woman of the house was barren, it wasn't unusual for the maid (or slave) to be given to the man of the house (or master) to ensure he had an heir.

No one ever speaks from Hagar’s viewpoint. She may not have had a say, but it’s likely she deemed it a privilege to be chosen as the one to bear Abrams seed. This scripture declares that once Hagar got pregnant, she looked down on Sarai.

This biblical drama could've been written in the script of the TV show, “Sister Wives.” Why do we look down on women who can’t conceive as if it’s their fault or like they are lacking in some way?

Hagar’s attitude seems to turn against Sarai. Hagar side-eyed Sarai.

Based on our standards, this was an unusual circumstance. But we’ve got to stop looking down on other women because one has something the other one doesn’t (clothes, hair, curves...whatever). Sooner or later, the shoe will be on the other foot.

Sisters, we've got to do better. Let's make sure our relationships provide encouragement, compliment, and support.

Her Life My Example: Hagar

A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)