A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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Shoes Fit for the Journey

· Food For Thought

Most women love shoes—some more than others. Flats, stilettos, peep-toe, pumps, sandals, tennis…a different shoe for a different occasion or outfit.

First, we think about the event. Will it be a work out or a formal occasion? Is it time to party or time for church? Rain or shine…summer or winter? All of these factors must be considered.

Just like changing shoes is dependent upon the weather, the event or the outfit, we also have to make changes to how we respond to and deal with each other.

Colossians 3:12-13 teaches us how:

Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do.

Life is a journey. Our connections to people is an exceptional part of that amazing walk. As we interact with family, friends, and acquaintances, we must also be willing to bear with and forgive them—as they do us.

  • Humility is like a low heel shoe "flats":  don't think too highly of yourself and stop looking down on others. This shoe will help you to put the feelings of others above your own and make room for someone else to shine.
  • Longsuffering is like a stiletto:  as long as you have this six inch heel on your foot you will suffer.  Sometimes people will unintentionally hurt your feelings.  This shoe will teach you to have a thick skin and not take things too personal.  
  • Meekness is like a tennis shoe: it provides protection against rough surfaces and reminds you to be careful with your approach to situations that may shake your faith.  This shoe will help you to keep your footing on rocky ground.  
  • Forgiveness is like a strap-up Roman sandal:  it's tight, but it's right.  This shoe will put you in good standing with God and man.

Challenge: Choose the Right Shoes.

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A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)