A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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Sinking Sand or Rock Solid?

Multiple Choice

· Food For Thought

I recently saw a FaceBook survey that asked… When the quarantine is done, how are you coming out?   

  1. Broke
  2. Divorced
  3. Pregnant
  4. Fat
  5. Summer Ready
  6. Alcoholic
  7. Loco (insane)

The question and multiple choice options were interesting, to say the least. But it got me to thinking. How will I fair out once the stay at home order has been lifted? More importantly, how am I handling this new normal from one day to the next?

Truth is, the question digs deep and speaks to our "go to's" when coping with the normal stress and anxiety of managing difficult times.

Regardless of who you are, your response to the survey's question is largely dependent upon the foundation upon which your belief system is built.

The Bible has something to say about this in the book of Matthews 7:24-27. Jesus tells a story about two people—one wise and one foolish. Both built homes that experienced the same tragedies—flood, wind and rain. However, the impact of the tragic events resulted in different outcomes for each home—one fell, the other stood strong.

The difference—choice in foundation upon which the house was built.

The wise person built his house upon a rock—that person heard the words of God and choose to live by them. Therefore, his house stood strong through the tragedy. The foolish person built his house on the sand—that person heard the same words but choose not to abide by them. His house fell.

As to my response to the FaceBook survey question, my foundation is built upon the Solid Rock—that Rock is Jesus. And because my confidence focuses on what I've heard and believe about God, I just had to create another option.

After this quarantine, I will come out stronger and wiser. What about you?

Click Solid Rock to learn more about choosing Jesus Christ the Savior.

Challenge: Take my revised survey

When this quarantine is done, how are you coming out?

  1. Broke
  2. Divorced
  3. Pregnant
  4. Fat
  5. Summer Ready
  6. Alcoholic
  7. Loco (insane)
  8. Wiser and Stronger

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A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)