A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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Strengthen...Not Stressed

· Life After Corona

Stress can take a serious toll on our body, mind, and spirit. Medical officials tell us that unmanaged stress will decrease our resistance and increase our chances for being more susceptible to illness and disease.

Today's inspiration comes from the book of Luke chapter 10, which gives an account of how two sisters managed an interesting situation. Martha hosted their friends for dinner and Jesus was on the guest list. While Martha was busily preparing things in the kitchen, Mary sat at Jesus’ feet clinging to every word He said. The stress of it all was overwhelming to Martha, so she urged Jesus to tell Mary to help her.

Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”

Luke 10:40-41

Jesus’ response must have surprised Martha. Through my eyes His words conveyed the following: Though valid, serving fish and chips was a much lower priority for the moment. Mary, on the other hand, was preparing for something that couldn’t be obtained from the kitchen. She was getting ready to serve something much more significant.

Jesus acknowledged that Martha was unnecessarily stressed by "the stuff", while Mary was being refueled and revived by the Savior.

So, what can we learn from the sisters?

As women, we are challenged to juggle many different tasks. Be it family, finances, work, health or other stuff, the cares of life can become overwhelming from time to time. The key is to focus on the positive, prioritize, set boundaries, let go of "the stuff", and more importantly, spiritual refueling.

Focus on the Positive

I vividly remember a quote from the United Negro College Fund from the 70's that will forever be etched in my brain, "A Mind is a terrible thing to waste." That sentiment remains true today. When we spend time focusing on the negative, we are wasting time, energy and brain cells—nothing good can come from that. We may not be able to control what comes to our minds, but we can control what stays there. The Bible encourages us to think on things that are lovely, of good report and praise worthy. Pleasant thoughts reduce stress.

Recognize Boundaries

There are so many things in life that we can't control—that's the stuff I'm talking about. We must remember to work inside of the confines of what we can control and leave the rest to God. Don’t fret over what you can't control. Leave that in God’s hands!

Appropriate Venting

Whether we admit it or not, we all need an opportunity to vent, especially during troubling times. We must find appropriate outlets to voice our concerns, feelings, and fears. Private discussions with a close friend, pastor or counselor are very helpful. When we can't talk to someone, journaling is also a good option.

Revive and Refuel

As Christians, we operate by a spiritual power source. Like any other object that requires an external source to function, we require constant recharging. Seek opportunities—Prayer, Personal Bible Study, On-Line Church Service, and Devotional Scripture readings that provide spiritual revival and fuel for our spirits.


  • Read the entire story Luke 10:38-42
  • Utilize scripture meditation during stressful times
  • Click Strength to view meditation scriptures on this topic
A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)