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Sugar or Salt?

Walk by Faith, Not by Sight

June 28, 2023

When it comes to cooking and baking, I’m no professional, but I think I do a pretty good job. But have you ever mistakenly used salt for sugar or baking soda for baking powder? Those ingredients may look the same, but if they get mixed up—dish ruined.

Likewise, we often make life decisions based on what we see. Over and over, the Bible warns us against this practice. Truth is, our eyes don’t have the capability to tell the entire story. Take people for instance, have you have looked at someone, sized them up based on visual appearance and realized later that you were wrong? I hate to admit it, but that happened to me just the other day and it was a stark reminder of 2 Corinthians 5:7, "For we walk by faith, not by sight."

When we trust God, our confidence can never be based on the visual—God is much bigger than that. From Alpha to Omega, God has not, is not, and will never be limited by resources or confined by time. He operates outside of the norm and through the supernatural.

Faith serves the believer’s soul like the eye serves the body. Faith gives us access to God and everything that He has promised. Because of God's vastness, we'll never be able to visualize everything in the physical, but our faith connects us to God and all that He has to offer (blessings, joy, peace, love—eternal life).

Salt or sugar? We can't tell by looking. We have to experience it. Likewise, we can only experience the Almight God through faith. Faith in God puts everything else into the right perspective.

So, never make judgement based on what you see. Consider God's perspective, trust Him, and walk by faith.