A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)
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· Her Life My Example

"MiMi, can we see the story about Jesus?" asked 3-year-old Christopher.

I know what you're thinking, "It's February. Why are we talking about Christmas?" Answer: because Christopher asked.

I knew exactly what he was talking about. You see, when he was only 7 months old, I re-enacted the Christmas story with his 19-month-old brother (Caleb) and 17-month-old cousins (Creux and Cruez).

Yes, I created, directed, narrated, and produced four scenes (Birth of a Savior, Shepherds in the Fields, Wisemen in Herod’s Court, and The Little Drummer Boy) with babies. Any time they ask to see it—it’s Christmas all over again.

Some said I couldn’t do a play with four babies—I begged the differ. Every time they ask to see the videos I have another opportunity to share the Gospel of Christ with my grandsons.

Legacy begins with passing down the most important aspects of your life to the children and grandchildren. It's the foundation of faith and family.

2 Timothy 1:5 “…when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am persuaded is in you also.”

When I think of Lois and Eunice, I think they shared Bible stories with young Timothy. One day he accepted Jesus as Savior and became a disciple.

Though they were too young to remember the actual event, they will remember viewing those vidoes with MiMi's voice over and over again. And Christopher, will always remember when he played baby Jesus. I pray all the boys not only remember, but learn the significance of the roles they played and accept Jesus as his personal Savior and Lord.

Teach them…

Her Life—My Example: Lois and Eunice


A Woman of Godly Influence (AWOGI)